Growing Up in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Advances in artificial intelligence have proceeded rapidly in recent years and have reached an inflection point that will have profound implications for the future of mankind. On the occasion of the first birthday of our daughter Elise, we felt that it is time for us to look ahead and anticipate what her life – and human life more generally – will be like a few decades from now, as we enter the Age of Artificial Intelligence. We organized a conference and asked four researchers with Ph.D.s in a diverse set of fields ranging from economics to theology to share their thoughts on how to prepare our daughter for the challenges ahead. Their insights were profound. We collected them in this festschrift, which we hope will serve as a useful guide for parents who are interested in preparing their children who are “Growing Up in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.”

Sharon and Anton Korinek

Parents of Elise



I. A Theological Perspective

by Ilia Delio, OSF, Ph.D.

II. From Fiction to Reality

by Jayant Ray, Ph.D.

III. A Futuristic Economic Perspective

by Anton Korinek, Ph.D.

IV. A Historical Perspective on Technological Progress

by Joseph Stiglitz, Ph.D.

V. General Discussion